Brittany Maynard

I don't watch a lot of television, but earlier this year I watched the entire Breaking Bad series in about three weeks. What made the show so initially compelling for me was Walter White's decision to not undergo chemotherapy. He wanted to die on his own terms. (And he does, but I don't want to give away any spoilers.)

Understandably, his pregnant wife was upset with that choice. Had Walt not succumbed to her wishes, Breaking Bad would have been an entirely different show. Breaking Sad?

This past weekend Brittany Maynard chose to end her life. She had a terminal diagnosis, she lived in Oregon (a state with Death with Dignity laws in place), and she didn't want to suffer. To me, that sounds perfectly reasonable. For others, it sounds downright crazy. Who is right? Who knows? I'm just grateful that this issue is finally getting national attention. We are all going to die and many of us are going to be faced with these same questions. To treat or not to treat? Quality vs. Quantity?

I know I can't change your mind with a Facebook post or an itty, bitty blog, but if you would like to know more about Death with Dignity, you can click on Brittany Maynard's name up there, or click here. I also recommend watching the wonderful documentary How to Die in Oregon. It's an excellent conversation starter.