The 2020 Quarantine Book Club

Like many of you, I am doing my darndest to socially distance from others, which as a GenX gal with social anxiety, it isn’t the biggest hardship. It just feels like Monday. While I do work part time at a public library, the majority of my time is spent working in my studio where for the most part, I am alone. Oh, so alone.

But, I am an avid reader and I am also an author. In my weekly writing group, Brooke Fossey is having a launch in mid April. This is her first book and I know how much she has worked to write it, get an agent, sell it and now bring it out into the world. Look at that fabulous cover!


I too have my first novel coming out in November, (you can join my newsletter here and win fabulous prizes!) so I joined an online group of other 2020 debuts to commiserate and get pre-publication tips. But then the cancellations started happening. I was going to go to AWP, but then I figured that might not be such a great idea. And then, well, you know.

So, in this blog post I am featuring the authors who have a debut novel coming out and that have agreed to join the 2020 Quarantine Book Club, we select one book to discuss, but that doesn’t mean you can’t go rogue and buy everyone’s book or at least request it from your local library.

Our first selection is The Mountains Sing by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai. It comes out 3/17/20.

In order of release date, here are the books. If you click on their title, it will take you to their Amazon page where you can buy or preorder.

The Lost Book of Adana Moreau by Michael Zapata 2/4/20.


Wild Land by Rebecca Hodge released on 2/11/20


No Bad Deed by Heather Chavez 2/18/20.

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Mimi Lee Gets a Clue by Jennifer J. Chow 3/10/20.


Sweet Jane by Joanne Easley 3/19/20.


The Missing Sister by Elle Marr 4/1/20.


The German Heiress by Anika Scott 4/7/20.


The Engineer’s Wife by Tracy Enerson 4/7/20.


The Queen of the Owls by Barbara Linn Probst 4/7/20.


You and Me and Us by Alison Hammer 4/7/20.

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Kept Animals by Kate Milliken 4/21/20.


Daughters of Smoke and Fire by Ava Homa 5/12/20.


Last Tang Standing by Lauren Ho 6/9/20.


The Mirror Man by Jane Gilmartin 6/30/20.

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Thank you for stopping by! Please be a peach and share this post. Don’t just Netflix and Chill during the Coronapocolypse, read books!