It's a loaded question, but...

What do you think of the death penalty? Please take a moment to vote. It's completely anonymous, so I won't know which side of the fence you're on.

Why am I asking? Well, two stops down on this journey, I'm going to be writing about death row in Texas and some people who are associated with it.

I'm not quite sure where I stand. I've never lost someone to an act of violence. If a person killed someone I loved, what would I want their punishment to be? I don't know. I've looked at a lot of inmates and their crimes and I still can't make up my mind. On the one hand, there's the saying, "an eye for an eye makes everybody blind." But, there is also true evil with out an iota of remorse. Do they deserve to sit in a cell and eat three squares a day with an hour of sunshine and recreation?

What do you think? Be vocal. Or just vote in my poll. Pretty please with a cherry on top.