Celebrity Death

This is how I will always remember Michael Jackson, despite all the freakish incarnations he inhabited in his short life. "Thriller" was the first album I ever bought and I played it over and over while practicing my roller skating moves in the basement. My mom bought me the red leather jacket he made famous. Granted, it was from Venture, it was white, and it was pleather, but I still thought it was cool. I even had one sparkly glove. I don't think I ever wore that bedazzled oven glove outside, but I did wear it at home. Yes, ladies and gentleman, I am a geek.

A geek who loves all things celebrity. My happiest day of the week is when my People magazine arrives in the mail. I love watching the Oscars and for years, I have dreamed that one day I will be accepting an award. At first it was for acting, but I'm a little long in the tooth and far removed from Hollywood for that to happen, so for now it will be "Best Original Screenplay" or "Best Documentary."

So, what does Michael Jackson and my celebrity worship have to do with death? Well, he died. I don't know if you know that or not. I am writing that with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek. I don't know why I get so saddened when celebrities die. But I know that I'm not alone. Hell, all the confirmation you need was at the Staples Center yesterday. Youtube it.

My question for you, yes you, is this...Has there been a celebrity passing that really affected you?

Michael didn't make me sit and watch tv for hours, but I sure felt the passage of time with his exit.
Kurt Cobain was the first person to die that really packed a wallop. Perhaps it was that he took his own life, or that I really connected with his music. I felt that way about Michael in my youth, but then he got too weird. And I became a parent.

So, please post a comment. I'm dying to hear what you have to say.