DFW Writers' Conference

This past weekend I attended the DFW Writers' Conference in lovely Hurst, TX.  Actually, I volunteered for most of it, but that was the best thing for this socially anxious gal.  If I've got something to do, it's a lot easier for me to talk to people.  The conference festivities began the night before for members of the DFW Writers' Workshop at Billy Bob's Texas.  Hence, the cowgirl gear.  Thanks go out to my friend Lori for loaning me the outfit and the boots!

The next day, it was all business. I moderated two classes for Mike Capuzzo, who I invited to attend the conference as a keynote.  I interviewed him on this here blog last year.  You can hear that interview here.  He was a hoot and I very much enjoyed his keynote speech.

On Sunday, I attended a class about sex at 8:30 am. The speaker/author, Suzy Spencer, is a true crime writer who admitted that she was tired of writing about murder.  She wanted to laugh, so she started out writing a journalistic exploration into alternative sex practices and it morphed into a memoir.  I tried to pick her brain, as I did the same thing with death.  She probably had more fun!  There I am with her book.  I started reading it last night.  Very interesting material!

Despite the fact that I didn't attend many classes, I had a great time at the conference.  It was killer to see Dawn Frederick with Red Sofa Literary at the Non-fiction panel.  She knows the writing world and she's a roller-girl ref to boot!  How cool is that? 

I also got to meet up with a few people that I only communicate with in the social media world.  It's totally cool to see those peeps in the flesh.

So, now I'm totally energized to write and make those changes that my editor suggested.  I don't know if I'll go the tradition route with "Death Becomes Us" or if I'll self publish.  What I do know is that I love the writing life.  I know sometimes that I bitch and moan about it, but I can't imagine doing anything else.

N is for...

National Health Care Decision Day

Yep, it's today.  How's that for A to Z timing?  Click here and go get your Advance Directive.  If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you definitely need to click on that link.

Okay, now that I've reported the official business of the day, I'd like to talk about something that has been consuming my thoughts since last Monday.  And that is Nicotine.  Yes, it starts with an N.  How convenient! Well, kiddos, the death writer used to love her some cigarettes.  I was a two pack a day smoker for many, many years.  I did not love how they tasted, but I loved that I could take a break from life to step outside and smoke.  About three years ago, I gave them up and  became equally addicted to Nicotine Lozenges.

You're not supposed to use nicotine lozenges for three years, but according to a lot of message boards here on the internet, many people do. So, I've been going through nicotine withdrawal which is horrible.  I am supposed to be preparing my manuscript for editing and I can't even think.  Nor can I really blog.  

So, that leads me to the point of this post.  Go get your advance directive and don't ever start smoking.  It's a BITCH to quit.  And last, but certainly not least, I am bowing out of the A to Z.  I wish all of you the best of luck.  

M is for...

Mad Men Made Me Miss My Post

I know, excuses excuses.  I usually have my blog post written the night before, but it totally slipped my mind.  We can blame it on this man.

And now I've got the Monday to-do list to conquer, so you will just have to accept this as my M post.  

So, did you watch last night?  Megan had a miscarriage.  I could probably have written about that, but I've written a lot on miscarriage on this blog.  

Happy Monday!  Tomorrow I will do a proper "N" post.