C is for...

Conferences and Cats and some other things that don't really start with C!

As a writer, I like to go to places where other lap top loving loners tend to gather in one place.  And no, I'm not talking Starbucks.  (Too expensive!) So where do I go?  I attend writing conferences.  Writing is a lonely business people, so it's nice to go and hang around other pasty-faced people who stare at blank pages and obsess over tense issues.  Oh, that sounds mean.  I'm sorry.  Writers are very social creatures.  Ha!  Well, some of them are.  Hello Kristen Lamb!

So, what conferences will I be attending this year?  Well my friends, I am going to the DFW Writers' Conference that is coming up in exactly one month from tomorrow.  It's in my lovely neck of the woods and it will be my third year to attend.  Three times is a charm, right?  Will I convince an agent that they really need to get to know me?  Uh, no.  This year I'm not pitching my book.  I'm just going to chill and learn and eat lots of cookies.  That's my plan and I'm sticking to it.

In July, I will be attending the Mayborn, which is also in my neck of the woods, but that's not why I'm going.  The Mayborn is all nonfiction all the time and not making shit up is how I prefer to roll.  One of my essays is going to be printed in their journal this year, so I get the added benefit of getting to sign the journal for people who buy it.  What can I say?  I'm a fame whore.  Actually, I'm not.  I'm Very shy.  Very reclusive.  Kind of hermit-like.  But, I'm gonna go because they have a fantastic line up of speakers and a cash bar to lubricate the masses.

Okay, now onto cats.  I love me some cats.  If you're a regular reader of this blog, you may have heard a few stories about my cats, but if not, just trust me on this.  One of my favorite finds during this challenge has been The Tex Files blog.  She took cats and grammar and blended it all together for a very entertaining and informative read.  Trust me on this.  You need to read this blog.

So, yesterday, I hinted that I was going to a writer event and Sarah Holmes, a fellow blogger in this challenge was smart and daring enough to guess that it was Anne Lamott.  And she got to pick my "G" topic because she took a chance.

So, Anne Lamott.  Oh, Anne Lamott.  Her book, "Bird by Bird" is my favorite book about writing that I've read and I've read a few.  At the event, I was sitting alone flipping through my dog-eared copy of the book and I noticed on her author bio that she went to Goucher college.  I was like, wow!  We have something in common.  I went to Goucher to get my MFA in Creative Nonfiction.  So, as I'm getting my book signed, my sister-in-law says, "Pam went to Goucher too."  Anne looks up and says, "Really?  I loved Goucher, but I left after two years to become a writer."  I walked away thinking, yeah, I went to Goucher for two years also, but unlike Anne Lamott, I went there to become a writer.  And that's probably why she's waaaaay more successful as a writer.  I'm like the Tinman in the Wizard of Oz.  I need a diploma to validate my crazy professional choices.

Okay, I'm rambling.  Today I plan to sit my butt in the chair and actually do some writing.  Not that this isn't writing, but if you're a writer, you know what I mean.

Peace out.

B is for...

Books, bitches!

After an evening walk with the hub, I sat down at my computer to think about what I was going to blog about for B in today's A to Z challenge.  Naturally, I logged onto Facebook first because I love to procrastinate.  So, the first thing I see on my feed is a post by my sister-in-law.  She just got back from a trip to Portland and she got to shop at Powell's bookstore.  I've never been there, but I hear it's amazing and the store takes up a whole city block.  She bought several new books with real paper and there they are up there.  One of them is for me.  Can you guess which one it is?  First person to guess correctly will get to choose my topic for "D."  And no, it can't be death.

I love books. I've been sort of a non-fiction fanatic for the past several years, but recently I went totally crazy and read the first Harry Potter book.  I know, I know.  I'm a little late to the JK Rowling is a goddess party.  Well, my son was reading it and loving it and I wanted to be able to talk about it with him.  Now I'm like a totally pushy parent telling him to hurry up and finish the dang second book so I can read it too.  Like his mom, he's easily distracted and he has three books that he's reading at the same time.  What can I say?  It was the Scholastic book fair at his school last week and you can't just buy one!  

So, speaking of books, I'm going to see a somewhat famous writer tonight. And I'll have this person sign my dog-eared book that's about writing and I've had it for ages.  If you can guess who this writer is, I'll let you choose my "G" topic.  Here's a hint.  The title of the book would totally work for today's blog post.

This is totally random, but did you know that April is National Poetry Month?

Okay, my fellow blogging peeps, write on!

A is for..,

Hang on a moment, I'll get there.  It's time for a wee bit of reflection.

Well, here I am again blogging away for the A to Z Challenge.  Last year my posts were all about death, which kind of makes sense since this is the "Death Writer" blog and I have a book written that is all about death.  But, ya know what?  I don't want to do that this year.  This year I want to wing it.  I want to fly by the seat of my pants and be spontaneous. In other words, I want to live.  So, each night I'm going to write the first thing that starts with the corresponding letter of the day.  It's like a psychological test of sorts and anything can happen.

So, why am I going to write about art today?  Well, my husband, the love of my life is an artist.  Last week, I saw a post on Facebook about grants for artists and one of them had my husband's name all over it.  Painter over 45?  Check.  And guess when the deadline is?  Today.  We had seven days to complete an essay, an artist's statement, a resume, an application and assemble ten jpeg images of his art.  Oh, and he happened to be out of town at the time.  I am not one to cower away from a ridiculous deadline, so I gently encouraged my husband to hop on this crazy get a grant train and get er done!  And as I'm typing this, he is putting the finishing touches on his artist's statement.  If anything, it allowed him to focus on his art for the week and maybe think about what he wants to accomplish in the next year.  It's a win-win situation.

So, here is a pic of my husband's handiwork when he painted backdrops for touring rock bands.  I loved this image.  It was done for the band Slayer and was designed by Paul Booth.  Erik just recreated it on a 24 x 40 foot backdrop.

Scary, huh?

Well, my fellow bloggers.  I'll keep this short and simple.  I look forward to meeting you in the next month.